Comic Book Case

Civil War 2 #1 (I like it)
This was a bit easier to follow than issue 0 was which seemed to focus more on getting into the ideas of characters like Rhodie, Jen, and Carol as well as introducing Ulysses. This issue shows us a little where we left off with Ulysses running from what he saw and then encountering the Inhumans who want to help him and I think it's safe to say that they will be playing a big role in this. Fast forward to a few weeks later with the Avengers, Inhumans, Ultimates, and a magic user team led by Doctor Strange stopped a cosmic threat. At the party afterwards, Carol and Tony meet Ulysses and find out that he has the power to see the future or rather possible futures as Tony points out. Carol wants Ulysses to use his power to stop threats like Thanos and other invasions by stopping them before they happen and Tony doesn't like the idea because they don't know enough about his powers and that he doesn't have them under control. Tony is definitely the more rational one here, arguing that it is all to risky and is essentially against punishing people for thought crime. It all comes to a head when Ulysses has a vision involving Thanos and Carol's exploit leads to the crippling of Jen Walters and the death of Rhodie. Tony has had enough and fueled by the death of his friend he goes after Ulysses while Carol, with some advice from Jen goes after him. Issue 1 feels really solid thought not very personal. If this is going to be anything like the first one we are going to get a lot of arguments for each side but hopefully it will be as clear as it is here. It's a bit weird that Jen would be for using Ulysses since last issue she was against the idea of going after people just because they might do something.

Green Lanters Rebirth #1 (very buddy cop)
Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz are the new Green Lanterns of Earth and it seems like they are going to be forced to work together despite their rocky meeting. But what is interesting is seeing how the two of them are. Simon feels that he's caused his family more harm then good since in the weeks he's been back people keep writing terrorist on his sisters house and she's already lost her job.. Jessica meanwhle is still adjusting to being a Green Lantern and being around people because she really just wants to be at her home but she's been evicted. At the same time, ANOTHER lost Guardian (seriously this is like the third one not counting the ones protecting the First Lantern) who is fleeing space to get to Earth with a really powerful ring. Since Hal and the other Lanterns are needed to deal with Sinestro and his corp, Hal wants the two of them to protect the Earth and as a way to force them to work together, he fuses their lanterns together so they have to together to charge it.  This issue was a great way to start it all off. Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz are really interesting characters and with the threat of the Red Lanterns coming to Earth we will no doubt see exactly what the two of them are capable of.

Superman Rebirth #1 (So he's dead)
This issue doesn't do much save confirming that the New 52 Clark is dead and not coming back.. I like how self aware the book is about this with our Pre-Flashpoint Clark asking saying that he is waiting to see if he the New 52 Clark would come back from the dead like he did. He later meets Lana who after some talking decides to head to Dead Clark's Fortress of Solitude where they try to find the technology that brought PF Clark back on his Earth. It's a bit more of a somber issue. PF Clark instead helps Lana get D Clark's remains out of his Superman monument and she buries them in Smallville. This seems to be the issue where PF Clark (who will just be called Clark later on when he takes on the role) decides to be Superman for this Earth. I'm honestly looking forward to this and am hoping it will be the same for all titles including Justice League.

Batman Rebirth #1 (Intense)
Bruce Wayne is back but honestly this issue was more exciting than actually good. THis story has Bruce going up against his long time enemy Calendar Man who is releasing spores to alter the weather of Gotham City, ushering in a huge heatwave. Batman, now accompanied by Duke Thomas in new costume goes with Batman to detonate the spores before they are released. It honestly feels like a mission from Batman Arkahm Knight with Duke as the NPC. Calendar Man himself was a bit interesting as he was reinvented by Snyder and King with him essentially dying and coming back like the seasons, but just a little bit different each time. This cycle of rebirth is similar to Batman as no matter what happens to him, costume, sidekick, romance, he always comes back.


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