Comic Book Case
Doctor Fate #4 or "Still Raining"
This issue was rather interesting if a bit dull but is more than saved at the museum. At this point I think we understand enough about Khalid for this story to really expand more, we see him be a somewhat cynical yet logical person trying to understand. It's nice to see the rest of the city/world acknowledge the weather which is getting worse and has destroyed smaller islands and could destroy Hawaii. Points to the writers for the nod to the New Earth Doctor Fate by having Khalid calling himself Kent though he does it to avoid any trouble in the future as a Doctor due to his heritage. There is an attempt at subtlety with Khalid dealing with his heritage in the public eye and feeling that his teacher was picking on him but nothing really comes from it. The Sphinx scene at the museum helps give us a form of focus and the message he gets from his dad may be the key he needs to solving the Sphinx's riddle. If there is one thing I feel this book needs is more characters getting involved in the story to an extent, or at least more of the characters we have seen to help us remember them.
Martian Manhunter #4 or "Ambulances, Explosions, and Whales"
This issue was fun and had more going on than we had before as we pretty much reinforce that J'onn is essentially legion with a him being connected to Daryl, Opal, and Mr. Biscuits. We get a bigger look exactly what is going on with the two of them with Daryl and Opal showing off martian powers such as EXLPODING MARTIANS with Opal and the telekinetic carrying of the ambulance with Daryl and both of them phasing through walls and Maneater tendril spikes. Mr. Biscuits being a manifestation of J'onn's consciousness (meaning that he cannot physically die) adds to some great humor. Mr. Biscuits has really grown on me and the reveal about what he is makes it more obvious when you remember what biscuits are in England. It's a bit weird though because I'm not sure if Daryl and Opal had always existed or were created by J'onn though he does say that Daryl never really existed. The ending to this was brilliant and I can't wait to see everyone meet up.
Green Lantern: The Lost Army #4 or "Getting Ready for a Jailbreak"
It's interesting to see how Lanterns deal with enemies who absorb light from their rings, they are ultimately forced into defense and outmaneuvering and like this book, they then get kidnapped. Seeing Jon and the others (as well as Salak and other lanterns who have also been kidnapped) locked up in a prison without their rings, meaning no way to really communicate with one another. The real discussion other than how to escape is the conversation between Guy and Killowog about Guy's decision not to save Relic's universe. John's flashback to his soldier days when he surrenders in an attempt to get his comrades medical attention. These flashbacks are interesting but I dunno about this issue, it feels more like setup for something bigger than an actual issue and I myself have never been a fan of those issues depending on the payoff.
Wonder Woman #44 or "Donna and Homeless Girl"
This is possibly the best bit of work since the annual. There is a clear threat to the gods int he form of the Fates being murdered and all signs (or lack their of) point to Donna. We also get a bit of a look into Aegus who shows to be an identity thief/conman which makes him less interesting and likable. What does get interesting is the scene with Hephastus and Hera who discuss exactly what has happened, who the arrow belongs to (that may mean nothing) and what it means with the Fates being dead. These are all good ideas that really should have been used from the beginning, a mysterious assassin and everyone thinking it's Donna then revealing it to be Aegus. Donna meets a homeless girl who gives her a full outfit that perfectly fits her with matching shoes. It never seems as if the book knows what to do with Donna, like ever and her relationship with Diana never seems to reach any real point and it comes down to the resolution between the two after Donna led the slaughter of the Amazonian men. The arrow that hit her last issue apparently meant nothing save for getting Hephastus (who was one of the best characters in the last run) in the book. Maybe the wound will matter more, especially with the Fates now dead meaning the gods will be easier to kill but I doubt it. Ultimately this is the best issue of Finch's run.
Star Wars #9 or "Love Triangle Standoffs and Fan Hoarding"
Luke is able to recover his lightsaber but soon finds himself in the clutches a Hutt who hoards a variety of Jedi artifacts like holocrons, lightsabers, cloaks, and statues from Coruscant and possibly other places. Seeing Luke, who is doubting his abilities as a Jedi activate all those holocrons was awesome, especially with the recorded voices. The part with Han, Leia, and Sana really dragged on a bit which isn't their fault since there was an issue that didn't have them but it is nice to see them moving off planet finally. The Sana/Han/Leia story really feels like it should have been in Han's own book but we have yet to know exactly what happened between them but Han is set in the idea that they were never married. I personally felt this was a good idea because we essentially have to fill the gaps in their relationship before Empire Strikes Back where Leia admits their feelings. The two of them still have to know each other With Luke at this point, I honestly didn't think he was going to reach Coruscant as much as I'd hoped and I wonder what's going through his mind after he was defeated by the Magnaguards after he had to get his saber back added with him being humiliated by Vader. Luke's development as a Jedi and person as well as Han and Leia's development really does help make the book.
Images are property of DC and Marvel Comics.
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