Comic Book Case

Doctor Strange #5  
The world of magic is under attack. As the Emprikul launches their assault on Earth's magical spots, Strange is coming to realize exactly how much more serious the attack on magic as his best and most trustworthy spells come up moot.What really sells this issue is the idea of costs in terms of magic which was talked about last issue with the harder the punch the worst the impact. We see exactly what it means to be Wong as he creates an organization of disciples whose sole purpose is to pay costs for Strange's magic behind his back. Though it seems to only big for big magic costs I wonder exactly how long it has been going on. It's an interesting idea, and I kind of see something similar happening in Batman with Alfred, who often makes decisions behind Bruce's back. Looking at this series, I kind of feel it really should tie in with Scarlet Witch (which I keep mentioning I know) and that another magic user book would play along with it. Three tie in books is not something I like but if we did this story could really be big.

Scarlet Witch #3 (New York, Greece, Ireland, where will magic take us next?)
This issue was just fun though our new enemy was a bit hard to read, not as a character but the use of Irish dialect like "M'PETTY OL'SELF" which just required a second read but at times it took me out of the moment. But other than that I found this issue enjoyable with new art (which was a bit of downer as I was enjoying Rudy's art), the short little mission of Ireland dying due to a curse placed on it was a fun idea but like the Minotaur and the cat murders, I kind o feel they could have been bigger stories.Visually the simplicity that has always followed this book is a bit downplayed from the regular art but isn't ruined as we see Wanda work her magic to lift the curse. I'm not sure if our antagonist in this story is the actual fellow in green who killed Hecate and is trying to get revenge on people who wronged him. Wanda believes it is a witch doing this but we haven't seen or heard anything relating to it. I am looking forward to the next issue with Wanda on the Witch Road meeting someone interesting that we saw in this issue but I won't spoil that.

Earth 2: Society #9 (so what is the story here?)
To be fair, I know this book has come under fire lately as not really being true to what the JSA stood for and after reading Justice Society of America, I see what their talking about. The book has always been a rather elseworld story to that particular series with Earth 2 serving as the primary arena. Ignoring the depressing World's End story, I feel the book has always had it's ground somewhere and is a fun read. This issue has a problem where it feels like it is taking on too much of a story idea. We have Amazonia revealing itself to Kendra and their intent to rule the world, Superman revealing that this new planet has no natural resources, two cities plan on going to war, Batman teaming up with Red Arrow and Ted to steal power sources for the people and Green Lantern getting Lois to write a constitution. All of it is really interesting and maybe it could work but I'm trying to figure out what the main plot is here and how all the pieces will fit.

Batman #49 (we all must do our part)
So nothing in this issue happened the way I thought it would but then again the Bruce becoming Bat Story didn't happen in any way I thought it was and that's fine really. This reminded me a bit of the episode "Epilogue" from Justice League: Unlimited where Waller tells Terry about project Batman Beyond and the question of what is needed to create a Batman. I did know it would take some outside stimuli to make it happen and of course a formula of Gotham in peril and the Joker being needed but I had though Julie would have been killed off but Snyder was not going to be that on the nose. Instead this about what is needed for Batman to happen; namely that we cannot have a full Bruce Wayne be Batman. Bruce Wayne must die for Batman to exist, a happy well adjusted Bruce could never be Batman and more importantly, Batman can't just be something you do, it's who you are. This plays well with Gordon who tried to be Batman and a cop working for the city. Joe Chill created Batman when he "killed" Bruce in Crime Alley when he shot his parents and now Julie, the daughter of the man who sold Joe the gun, must "kill" via a machine that will turn him into Batman. That was actually my favorite part, even more when Julie reveals she always knew that Bruce was Batman. It's hard to tell exactly what happened to Bruce, was he only filled with Batman's training or was he also filled with his parent's death? I believe it was mentioned in the Future's End tie in and also in Detective Comics where we see  the machine that can clone Bruce is fully operational.  Regardless of what does happen, I am excited to see Bruce back for however long we have him before this book ends.

Starfire #9 (HE'S HERE!)
So Syl'khee has no introduced himself to the DCU comics and he is just adorable, having been the star spark that hatched in the pool serving as a sort of child between Sol and Kori. It's short lived however as Kori, Atlee, and Stella head to Strata for spa break courtesy of Atlee. This has the makings to be our biggest story yet as our trio is unknowingly walking into a trap courtesy of the Chida Monster that was introduced earlier with a plan to attack Strata led by the banished royal King Neala-Tok. With the news of this ending with three more issue I can't help but wonder what will happen, if this will take up the rest of the run or if this is just a little bump in their vacation.. A bit of a distraction in this issue was the new art. While it isn't bad, it doesn't have the same flair the others had which looked a bit more real and there isn't as much done to Kori's hair which was always a joy in the other books.

Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Well they brought him in)
This issue was more of the story getting itself going. The previous two issues were more about finding where everyone stands and establishing stakes. This issue kind of glances over Batman and the turtles teaming up but it kind of plays with the idea that both parties are aware that they need to trust one another. Michelangelo, Raphael, and Shredder ultimately stand out the most in this story. Mikey has provided the comedy for this issue and I kind of wish Dick, Tim, or even Damian were here to play off him. Raphael seems to be the cynical yet mature one here with his approach to Batman, seeign him as someone who is obsessed with hi work and doesn't value family. Shredder was of course Shredder, he isn't just set on trying to get home but he also wants to use the portal to rule both cities which I don't know why I didn't see coming. The way this issue ends was not inherently interesting as everyone knew that he would show up because he was one of only two people who could stand up the Shredder. This issue was fun but still lacks the interaction between the turtles and Batman, they are just kind of there and with this being the anniversary of the death of Bruce's parents, I kind of wonder what will come from it long term. Overall a good issue to the story.


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